Accueil / Transalley / The Region

Le territoire

Accueil / Transalley / The Region

The Hauts-de-France region has seen the emergence of several breakthrough technological innovations in the automotive, railway, and sustainable mobility sectors: hybrid vehicles, automatic metros, trams-trains, etc. With 9 universities and 24 engineering schools, it is a major centre of innovation and research in the sector.

An attractive metropolis

The heir to a grand industrial past, Valenciennes is today a transformed city, committed to sustainable development. Its cultural and sports amenities, the friendliness of its inhabitants, and its pleasant and convivial atmosphere make it an attractive region.

Thanks to its proven expertise in launching businesses, Valenciennes already welcomes international transport players and other large companies to its territory. It still strongly supports industry and has received the Territoire d’Industrie (Region of Industry) label.

Valenciennes also enjoys an excellent position in the heart of Europe, located near the great European metropolises such as London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Strasbourg.

A dynamic economy

With its concentration of 78 million consumers within a 300 km area, Valenciennes is a multimodal region that cultivates its economic sectors of excellence: automotive, rail, and aeronautics, as well as the fields of sustainable logistics and digital creation.

Supporting the development of these sectors is a priority for Valenciennes Métropole, with support for investment and implementation projects and research and teaching.

Valenciennes tramway
Transalley technopole building

A major centre for training and research

The Transalley technology park is ideally located in the extension of the university campus (Mont Houy site). The Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University (UPHF), which has 14,000 students, is nationally recognised in the fields of transport and mobility. With the “Campus Innovant Transports Durables” label, the UPHF hosts the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) Hauts-de-France, the Rubika group of schools dedicated to digital creation, the Institut Supérieur du Design, the Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Valenciennes, Cambrai, and Maubeuge, and the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises.

Featuring major technological platforms and a testing centre (C3T Valutec) accessible to businesses, the UPHF is constantly listening to the needs of manufacturersand does everything possible to promote innovation and synergy with the economic world.

The technology park is also at the heart of an international class research centre with 7 laboratories (including 2 UMR CNRS), 475 research personnel, and 200 doctoral students. The UPHF is a coordinator of regional research on transportation and houses the Fédération de Recherche sur les Transports Terrestre et la Mobilité and the ELSAT2020 programme.

The transport and mobility sector

The Railway Sector

The Automotive Sector

The Aeronautics sector

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